Albuquerque, NM, January 2022 – Jawny BadLuck, popular rapper and Full Sail graduate, has been traveling and recording new material with his personal TELEFUNKEN TF11 large diaphragm FET microphone. “It’s just so much easier now to capture the true sound of my voice,” he says. “I don’t have to do as many takes. It’s just very clean and accurate, which I love.”
Originally a Rock, Soul, and Punk drummer, BadLuck found his voice through hip-hop and made the transition to MC. After graduating from Full Sail’s Recording Arts and Science program in Florida, he began working as a chief engineer at a nearby recording studio. In 2018, he teamed up with Tampa’s Grand Bay Recording Studios for his single “Last Cigarette” and in 2020 he released his collaboration with New Mexico artist, Jandro, on “Southwest Fiesta.” The video scored over a million views on YouTube in its first week and reached #17 on the Billboard charts in October 2021.
Commenting on his new TF11, BadLuck says, “The sound is open and clean. I tend to have a pretty sibilant voice and that’s always been an issue for me in the higher end. What I’ve noticed with this mic is that it’s very accurate and captures the high end delicately, beautifully, without being harsh. I’m no longer having those sibilance issues.”
Born in Albuquerque, New Mexico and currently living in San Diego, California, BadLuck has worked alongside some of the top independent producers, and continues to write, record, and master his own original music. He recently returned to Albuquerque, “I cut some new tracks with the TF11 at my favorite studio in town, On The Moon Studios, with owner/engineer Nick Johnson,” says BadLuck.
“When I use the lower register in my voice,” he continues, “this mic translates both ends of the spectrum very naturally. Previous mics in my career weren’t as clean when switching from a falsetto to a baritone register. With the TF11, it’s much easier to get the right sound quicker. I’ve used it in hotel rooms, I’ve used it in my home studio, and I take it with me wherever I record. I carry it in the special case and bring my interface and headphones so I’m always prepared.”
BadLuck purchased his TF11 through Sweetwater. “They’ve been a one stop shop for me over the past decade for everything that I need as an artist and a musician. I worked with senior sales engineer Mike Picotte, who’s worked with a lot of studio owners and musicians that I know. He’s very knowledgeable and was very helpful.”
Check out the first single from Jawny Badluck new album “Eyes 4 You”:
Learn more about Jawny: https://linktr.ee/jawnybadluck